Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Introductory Post

Hello Comm 41 class,

My nickname will be Pink Bean so you can call me that. This will be the first communication class taken at SJSU however, I have taken Leadership at a high school which encourages strong communication skills and teamwork. This will be my second online course at SJSU so I am somewhat familiar with the online system. I think communication is important because it is a way to send messages to each other and to explore different perspectives. It can be very fun and I am looking forward to this class.

As you can see, my favorite color is green. I am currently 19 years old and a Sophomore majoring in Marketing. My dream career is working for a video gaming company (hopefully :o) and my favorite TV show is Cake Boss on TLC. I love playing the piano and guitar, playing video games, sewing, discovering new places, and blogging. I love doing other things but there are too many to list! (^o^)

And for anyone who cares ...
If you are wondering what a Pink Bean is, it is actually a famous monster from my favorite MMORPG (Massively Multi-player Online Role Playing Game). Lol