Sunday, August 29, 2010

1) Objective and Subjective Claims

First, I will talk about Objective Claims. An Objective Claim is basically a statement that can either be a fact, or the opposite.

For example, a simple Objective Claim is that I play video games. Playing video games is one of my hobbies. In fact, the last time I played video games was today. I can also say that the Titanic sank or that Las Vegas is in Nevada. A couple of decades ago, Titanic did sink and Las Vegas is geographically located in Nevada when you look at a map. Therefore, my claims are proven to be a fact or in other words, Objective Claims.

Another Objective Claim that is false is I am not Pink Bean writing this right now. I am merely an impostor student that got a hold of Pink Bean's log-in information and decided to hack and write this post. hehehe. Anyways, I'm just kidding. I am the real Pink Bean writing this post. Going back on topic, saying that I am a Pink Bean impostor is a false statement, but it is still considered an Objective Claim.

In contrast, a Subjective Claim is focused more upon opinions, meaning that statements can vary and not be the same.

For example, I am a Sanrio fan, which is a company that stars famous characters such as Hello Kitty, Keroppi, Pom Pom Purin, and many others. As a biased fan, I can state my Subjective Claim. I think that Hello Kitty is really cute. However, my boyfriend on the other hand dislikes Hello Kitty. I recently asked for his opinion on Hello Kitty. Instead, his biased Subjective Claim is, "Hello Kitty is girly." Our claims are very different but that is because they are opinionated.

Another example is when I was playing guitar at a birthday party. A skilled friend guitarist complimented and said that I am very good at playing guitar. However, I disagreed with him because I only knew basic things about guitar and was playing from that knowledge. Even though I said that, he still insisted that I keep playing because I did well. From this day, I still think I am not that skilled at guitar. He was stating his opinion while I was stating my own. These opinionated claims are Subjective Claims because they are not facts. Our claims are our own opinions.

- Pink Bean


  1. Hi Pink Bean,

    First off I want to say that your post actually made me smile and I really enjoyed reading it (: I thought your examples were entertaining and nice to read so nicely picked!
    I really liked your example of Hello Kitty. I like that you demonstrated the fact that your tastes differ from your boyfriend's on that specific topic which therefore makes it a subjective claim. All four of your examples were very nice and I like how you took the time to develop them and go into depth. I also like your example about you not really being Pink Bean and being a student who hacked in your account. It made your post fun to read so for that, thank you :)


  2. I will always try to write posts to my own liking but I also try to make them interesting because I understand that everyone has different interests. I'm glad you liked my post. :) You're welcome and thanks :)

    -Pink Bean
