Saturday, October 9, 2010

3) Finding Me in a Clothing Store Using "Or" Claims

When I go shopping with anybody, especially in clothes stores, I sometimes tell my group ahead of time where I will be browsing. In a way, I do want to tell them what I plan to buy, but another reason why I tell them where I am shopping is so that they know where to find me if they need me.

For example, when I walk into a clothing store during the spring or summer, I usually look around the dress section or the clearance for cheaper out-of-season clothing. My sister actually has found me in a clothing store a few times without calling me with her cell phone. How did she do it? She used "or" claims of course!

Since she knows that I am either looking at the dress or clearance section, she can make a claim. "She is at the dress section, or she is browsing through the clearance." From this logic, I am simply either at the dress or clearance section. First my sister checks the dress section. If I am not there, she can conclude that I am hanging around the clearance section. However, if it is the other way around where I am not at the clearance section, then she can conclude that I am by the dress section. Either way, she can use reasoning with the "or" claim to figure out where I am in a clothing store. She does not have to call me and ask where I am located.

So, in conclusion, "or" claims can be used for finding people if you know the places they can possibly be ahead of time. It can also be used when you are in a life-sized maze. Banfante Gardens in Gilroy has a huge maze and if you do not use "or" claims, you will get lost unless you have a good photographic memory. D: If you reach a dead end, just use the "or" claim and assume if that path is a dead end, the other path that you did not choose at the fork is the correct path. :D

1 comment:

  1. This was a great example in my opinion. Many times a person may base their conclusion on occurrences that happen time after time or habits that they notice. An example that came to my mind was my mom stating that in the evening time I am either in the house or in the backyard playing basketball. She can make this claim based on the habit that every time she calls me in the evening, I am in the house or playing basketball, but this is not always true. I could have gone next door to talk to the neighbors, take a walk around the neighborhood, or go to the park to play basketball. There are many possibilities that could happen.
